Friday, 11 March 2011

Contextual book > research

What is a corporate identity?
:'Persona' of a corporation which is designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives.

What is a brand?
:The identity of a specific product, service or business.
:Can take many forms: name, sign, symbol, colour combination or slogan.

What is a concept brand?
:Associated with a concept, eg. breast cancer awareness. Rather than a specific product, service or business.

What is a concept brand?
:Associated with a commodity. Got Milk? is an example.

-A brand identity reflects how the owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand.
-The recognition and perception of a brand is highly influenced by its visual presentation. A brand's visual identity is the overall look of its communications.
-Visual elements to create distinction, such as specific fonts, colours and graphic elements.


-The word "brand" came from the Old Norse brandr meaning "to burn". It refers to the practise of producers burning their mark (or brand) on their products.

-Bass & Company (British brewery) [red triangle]
-Lyle's Golden Syrup.. unchanged since 1885.

Directly and subliminally communicates a companies values and personality, through shape, colour, materials, finish, typography and composition.

Brands are like people, and people are like brands. People follow brands. Brands have their own target market. Brands brand people.

Jot down words that describe you or the company. The logo should represent these words.

Design an attractive, unique and relevant message.

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